COVID-19 Vaccines
Double Bay Doctors is pleased to offer the Pfizer Monovalent Omicron [XBB.1.5] vaccine as a booster dose.
This vaccine can be used as a booster dose in individuals aged 12 years and older.
Please note that this vaccine can only be administered as a booster - Double Bay Doctors does not offer primary-course COVID-19 vaccines, or COVID-19 vaccines for children aged under 12 years.
Pfizer Monovalent Omicron [XBB.1.5] Booster
Patients are eligible for a COVID-19 booster if their last vaccine dose or confirmed infection (whichever is the most recent) was 6 months ago or longer, regardless of the number of prior doses received.
Booster dose recommendations
This booster dose can be given to patients aged 12 years and over, however ATAGI advises that a booster dose is not recommended at this time for children and adolescents aged under the age of 18 who do not have any risk factors for severe COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccine appointments are conducted by our nurses and are bulk billed with a valid Australian Medicare card. If your GP needs to join your consultation to address any concerns, your appointment may attract a gap fee after your Medicare rebate.
Medical experts have studied COVID-19 vaccines to make sure they are safe, and research shows that people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine have a much lower chance of getting sick from COVID-19.
Common side effects
Like most vaccines, common side effects patients may experience after receiving their vaccine include local reaction at injection site (soreness or redness), headache, fever and chills, muscle pain, joint pain, and tiredness. You may use paracetamol to manage these symptoms. Although common, these side effects are mostly reported as mild and not long lasting, so they usually resolve within 2 or 3 days.
Less common side effects
In rare cases, anaphylaxis, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) can develop after vaccination with the Moderna vaccine.
When to seek advice from a healthcare professional
If you experience any side effects like chest pain, pressure or discomfort in the chest, irregular, skipped heartbeats or 'fluttering', fainting, shortness of breath, or pain when breathing, please contact your healthcare provider or present to your nearest Emergency Department.
Can I still get COVID-19 after I have been vaccinated?
Some people may get COVID-19 after vaccination. You must still follow all relevant public health advice in your state or territory to stop the spread of COVID-19.